a recipe, sort of
April 14, 2003

Pentax K1000

Recipe for a really good Saturday night:

3 Good friends
1 Tori Amos
1 Rhett Miller
1 Original Joe's Restaurant
1 dinner knife

Meet up with 3 Good Friends to attend show at near-by venue with next 2 ingredients. Mix well. Recipe can be made extra special if if Rhett Miller plays your favorite Old 97's songs (Barrier Reef! Yay!) and Tori Amos plays one of your favorite songs (Happy Phantom! Yay!). With remaining 2 good friends (one had to go home), walk to Original Joe's in the rain. Laugh a lot. Watch as one friend uses a dinner knife as a mirror to apply lipstick. Laugh more as waiter gives her a hard time for using aforementioned dinner knife for unintended purpose. Walk back to car in the rain. Fall asleep with smile on face.



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