January 04, 2004

Canon Powershot G2

It must seem like I've been hibernating. I've been trying to stay away from the computer, so over the past few days I've ended up playing far too much nintendo (I'm addicted to Animal Crossing), and knitting a ton. I've got a lot of projects in progress, but I have completed a couple.

One being the bag pictured above...the Booga bag. My first adventure in felting. I couldn't find the recommended yarn, so I ended up using Manos del Uruguay wool yarn (in a color called butane). I managed to finish this bag in a couple of days (almost non stop knitting, which did no favors for my wrists), and I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out.

I also finished another scarf.

Also, I missed the Ugly Green Chair's 3rd birthday. It was December 31st. My very first post ever can be found here.



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