Design O' The Times
January 12, 2006


I go through bouts where I desperately want to redesign this site. The majority of the layout is in CSS, so it wouldn't be that hard to do. And then I remember all the external pages I'd have to tweak. All those individual pages with my silly knitting patterns for scarves, and all the little photo galleries I used to do.

And then, a couple of days ago, I started playing around with the personal portfolio site I had set up for myself, and I decided it was time. The ugly green chair needed some change, too. Not just a background color adjustment or anything like that, but some real TWEAKING. So I finally sat down and went through page by page to tweak some of the html so I could reload a new header, I went through my new pantone color guide for some new link colors, and I messed with the CSS a bit. I even cleaned up the archives.

I know, it's nothing major. But I feel better. I keep pulling up the main page of the site just to take a peek. Kind of like when you rearrange the furniture in a room, and it makes you want to spend all your time in that room.

Now if I could just come up with some decent content, I'd be on a roll.



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.