I'm still recovering from last week and the weekend.
Austin was fabulous. If I didn't have a nice boyfriend to come home to, I just might have stayed. I was able to spend time with some friends, where there was cider and many mini corndogs. I also got to catch up with a good friend and try what was undoubtedly one of the best mojitos I have ever had the pleasure of drinking. I also got to hang out out on the deck at Opal Divines with some very lovely ladies. I was a little bit sad to be leaving on Friday.
Around 8:30pm, my plane landed, and the boyfriend was there waiting for me at the airport. We collected my luggage, and headed directly to his parents house, 2 hours away (there may have been a stop at In-N-Out, because I was starving). This seems like an odd thing to do, I know. But believe me, this made much more sense than driving directly to Lake Tahoe (4 hours away) and pitching a tent in the dark at 1am.
We woke up insanely early Saturday morning and headed to Tahoe, where we drove around and looked at nature type things (salmon! spawning!). Then we camped in the freezing cold, and woke up early and looked at more nature-y things, and then finally headed home. We made a late lunch/see the parents pit stop on the way back. Three long hours later, we made it home (thanks accident in Vallejo, we had SO much fun sitting in a hot car with wool socks and hiking boots on), where I promptly took a shower and fell asleep.
Don't get me wrong, the week and the weekend ended up being tons of fun, and I would happily do it all again. Just maybe not back to back.
© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.