Can It Be?
October 30, 2006


What's this? Two posts in less than 24 hours? Surely there is a spot of hell frozen somewhere?

I'm practicing for NaBloPoMo! Sort of. And I need help!

In the past, I've threatened to regale you with the sad story of my eczema ridden skin. I may still tell the tale eventually, but for now I just need recommendations. The eczema, it is particularly bad right now. Possibly due to some real fall weather and mostly due to the fact that my skin is just dry ALL THE TIME. However! I'm hoping that I'm not the only one with woefully dry skin, and you can all tell me what you use to moisturize your dry chapped hands. So please! If you have a product you love, let us know! Leave a comment, send an email! Spare the internet from having to hear about my eczema!



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.