Invisible Slippers
May 17, 2007

Got any fries up there?

My whole week has felt just a little bit off kilter. I attribute it entirely to the fact that there were no donuts in the break room on Monday (there are ALWAYS donuts in the break room on Monday).

And then I got all 'Debbie Downer' on you guys, which I don't normally do. But I felt better after writing things out. Participating in what might be considered the lamest/funniest e-mail conversation with Regan kind of helped too. I'll spare you the word for word, but one of my responses was, "INVISBLE SLIPPRS?!?"

Last night, I watched the Gilmore Girls finale (via K!'s tivo) and while it wasn't the best episode ever, they did a decent job of wrapping things up. It's been the only series I've really followed and I'm sorry to see it go. The fact that there won't be a new episode EVER is kind of perpetuating the off kilterness of the week.

However! It is now Thursday, and I'm putting the past 3 days behind me and setting my sights the weekend. I'm going to the Maker Faire on Saturday, and Sunday is my birthday. I will be 32 and there will be pineapple upside down cake. I am very much looking forward to it.



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