Missing Mojo
July 31, 2007

I Can Has Hen Scratch?

I'm feeling a little Austin Powers-ish at the moment because I've lost my mojo (that is from Austin Powers, right? The second one?) I don't know what to write anymore. I don't think my life got insanely boring all of a sudden, but I'm finding that it's rare nowadays that something will trigger the thought, "I should write about that!"

So I spent about 45 minutes reading through old entries yesterday hoping it would spark that part of my brain where the mojo is hibernating. That little endeavor backfired and just brought back all these weird, not happy emotions because I started with 2004, and 3/4 of that year were pretty messed up.

So in an effort to get "back in the habit", I'm tempted to do something I mentioned pre-nablopomo last year and chronicle my shoes. Maybe August will be shoe month here at the Ugly Green Chair, seeing as how August starts TOMORROW.

Because I could tell you all about me breaking down in tears from heat exhaustion before one of my best friends got married a couple of weekends ago, but I think you'd probably rather hear about the shoes.



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