New Favorite: Salt and Pepper Edition
November 15, 2010

Salt and Pepper Here

I just used the search thingie on my site and it turns out I haven't mentioned Daiso. Which surprised me because I love Daiso! What's Daiso you ask? The best quick description I can give is "the japanese everything is $1.50 store". So not EVERY item is that cheap, but the completely awesome salt and pepper shakers in the photo above? $1.50 each. There was no possible way I was leaving the store without them. I bought a toothpick holder too. Because I totally needed one. Shaped like a cat.

So yeah, Daiso? Totally awesome.



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.