Maybe We Really Do Need Vanilla Ice Cream...
November 23, 2010

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We're hosting Thanksgiving with our upstairs neighbors (also known as my Almost Brother and Sister-in-Law). I've already been to the grocery store 3 times and I still keep thinking of things I could go back for. I've talked myself out of them though. The closer it gets to Thursday the further away I want to be from grocery store parking lots. It's almost as bad as christmas shopping. ALMOST.

Other random stuff:

I buy a lot of stuff online and I sometimes feel bad about my online shopping ways. Especially when there are Old Navy and other such stores close by. However, after reading this article about online shopping, I'm feeling a lot less bad about it.

I'm not much of a blog commenter. I could go into great detail about my confusion and the issues I have with comments (mostly to do with me leaving them, not people leaving them here), but I won't. It doesn't mean I'm not reading, it just means that most of the time, I'm too self-conscious to comment. Except a couple of days ago when I had an honest to goodness question for the author of a blog I regularly read, so I felt compelled to leave a comment. Of course, after I hit publish, I found a typo. Ah well.

I just went and checked the comments on that post, and there was an answer to my question! So I left a thank you comment. WITH ANOTHER TYPO. D'oh. This is just one of many reasons why I hesitate to leave comments.



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