Happy Holidays
December 29, 2010

Christmas Dinner

I survived Christmas. For the first time ever, I cooked Christmas dinner for 8 people and I think it all turned out okay. My timing was a little off on having everything ready at the same time and the darn pork just didn't want to cook to the right temperature, but I did it! Everyone seemed to like the food and we've been pretty much surviving on leftovers which is kind of awesome.

I'm now in frantic packing and "Get Sh*t Done" mode before I wake up super early tomorrow and get on a plane to head North. Part of that was getting ready for celebrating 10 years of telling the internet things they didn't need to know! The official anniversary of this little blog is the 31st of December, but since I may not be able to do much besides post entries while I'm traveling, I uploaded the new header graphic early. I still haven't decided what to do to celebrate, but I've got a little time to figure that out.

Right now I'm off to find all my warmest socks and sweaters and hope that they'll all fit in my suitcase...



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.