For the past couple of years, I've sort of been winging it with this here blog. Just posting when an idea pops into my head, so there's been no real plan or regular schedule. Unless I'm opting in to NaBloPoMo, then you get a bit of randomness every day!
Lately though, I've been trying to write down blog ideas, and take photos of things that relate to those ideas so the photo actually goes with what I'm writing (novel concept, I know). Despite doing this, life still just gets in the way sometimes.
And then, last week, I found out that I'm, uh, getting "kicked off the island" again (you can probably figure out what this means, but this previous post might give you a better idea). For sure this time, there was a big official meeting about it. In fact they're pretty much shutting down the "island" except for a small group of people. To top it off, I'm not exactly sure when my last day on the "island" is. So yeah. Fun. I'm going to keep coming in every day until they tell me not to. And in the mean time I'm updating the 'ol resume, and focusing on some freelance work. And not intentionally ignoring my blog, but it's falling down to the end of my to-do list.
Of course, it looks like I'll have some free time on my hands soon, so perhaps I can get back into the swing of things blog-wise.
(P.S. If anyone is looking for a full-time graphic designer, I've got a resume I can send you.)
© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.