Archive (week of 9.23.01):

9.27.01 (thursday)

I added a couple more art type things in the bio section: a denim shirt and some food icons. The shirt was painted during my last semester at school and the icons were made for the company I used to work for. The icons don't look that great. I had to scan them in, and due to the paper they were printed on, they look sort of liney. But I no longer have the original files, so a mediocre quality scan will have to do for the moment.

9.25.01 (tuesday)

I can deal with the occassional pop up ad. On most occassions I close them before they can even attempt to load an image of whatever they're trying to sell. But today...I was bombarded.

I went to visit Acid Fonts (I'll spare you a link, I wouldn't wish their pop-up hell on anyone) and I think at least 8 ads popped up at once, some of them covering the entire screen, some of them small enough to hide behind other windows. And when I closed one, another one sprang right up behind it. I've grown used to one or two ads, but this was absolutely ridiculous. I spent so much time closing pop up ads that I didn't even want to look at the site I had been trying to get to. And I probably won't attempt to visit Acid Fonts ever again. I know that me clicking on an ad may help them out, but come on. If you've got pop up ads breeding like rabbits when someone comes to your site, I'm sure as hell not going to click on one for your benefit.

I added the last few photos from Portland. Take a look.

9.23.01 (sunday)

Wonderwoman added a new member to her housegold this weekend. Please welcome...Scout

And now that MiKE finally had his birthday, I can show you the gift I made for him.

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©2000,2001 whitney brandt
All artwork,photgraphy etc. done by me, unless otherwise noted.